Friday, November 5, 2010

Why the title "Character Over Reputation".

"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." - John Wooden

The reason my blog is titled after this John Wooden quote is because I find the words to be so powerful. Going through school, especially Jr. High and High School, you learn people are going to judge you. I was made fun of plenty in school, I had the luck of being a shy skinny white guy with acne and braces. Looking back I remember feeling like everyone was talking behind my back and making their own impression of me that I knew was negative and wrong. At that age it really gets to you, but as I got a little older, and when you read quotes like this one from the great John Wooden, you begin to realize that you can only control so much of how people perceive you. If it's something negative that you know is not true you learn fast to let it slide right off and move on. Worrying about it really does no good. You will never control how people perceive you, but you can control the kind of person you want to be. I try to lead by example and to be myself and nothing more. If you think i'm a lame or a loser, don't worry you are not the first and won't be the last, but if you get to know me hey you might find a decent person. I never agree 100% with anyone but I will respect your opinion whether I like it or not and I ask everyone else to do the same. 

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